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Archived Articles


Black River Slope Stabilization

Quaine, M. (2006, Third Quarter). Black River Slope Stabilization. Pipeline Magazine, page numbers 24-32+. 

(The author, Michael W. Quaine, P.E. is an employee of BMJ)


BMJ also received the 2007 MACDC Innovation and Excellence Award for the Black River Slope Stabilization project.


M-19 Sanitary Sewer Project in Emmett, MI
Quaine, M. (2007, Fourth Quarter). Village of Emmett Revisited.  Completion of Sewer System and Road Work Gives Residents Cause to Celebrate. Pipeline Magazine, page numbers 6-9. and Quaine, M. (2008, Third Quarter). Clean Water Solutions for Rural Communities in St. Clair County. Pipeline Magazine, page numbers 14-21.  (The author, Michael W. Quaine, P.E. is an employee of BMJ)


Jackson Creek in Sanilac and St. Clair County
Compliments of Price and Company, Inc.


DTE Greenwood Cooling Loop Addition Project

BMJ Engineers & Surveyors, Inc. received MACDC's Innovation and Excellence Honorable Mention.


Longitudinal Peak Stone Toe Protection

Written by Lara F. Beyer, P.E.

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