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Sledding Hill

Once used only for transporting items, the sled has become a symbol of winters in the North. Sledding is a time-honored tradition for many Michiganders. For those of us in flat areas though, we have the snow, but not many large hills.

Man-made sledding hills have become popular attractions in recent years, especially in areas with minimal natural change in elevation. These hills have become a great way to utilize community parks during a time of year when there is less activity.


Sledding hills are relatively easy to maintain. Let the snow fall, and you’re in business. Most communities maintain a walkway up to the top, providing users easier access and keeping the traffic away from riders racing downhill.


If your community is fortunate to have an area with a slope, only minor design and clearing may be needed for the development of a sledding hill.


BMJ Engineers & Surveyors, Inc. can design these sledding hills to match the existing terrain, or we can modify it entirely. The hills can be designed to accommodate riders of all ages and experience levels – the daring, the beginners, and even the youngest of riders. Safety is always a priority, and measures are taken to ensure a fun and safe ride. Lighting can be added around the hill to make sledding possible after dusk.


Some communities have coincided the construction of their sledding hill with excavation projects in the neighborhood by using the excess materials of those projects to build the hill.

Completed in 2009, BMJ designed the first phase of this park, which included a park drive, parking lot, and a sledding hill.


The Belle River runs through the park’s property, sitting in the river valley more than 35 vertical feet below the rest of the park. This slope was ideal for creating a sledding hill. A heavily forested area of approximately 130 feet in width was cleared and graded to make way for the hill.


With a bunny hill for the younger riders, a steeper hill for the older riders, and a walkway in between, this sledding hill has become increasingly popular with local residents of all ages. Stadium lighting was also installed to allow for fun in the evenings.

Columbus County Park - Columbus Township, St. Clair County, MI

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