GPS Coordinates Are Dangerous Part II
Continuing our discussion of State Plane Coordinates or what some erroneously designate as “GPS Coordinates” from last time, I should...

GPS Coordinates Are Dangerous Part 1
“GPS Coordinates Are Dangerous Part I” I have been hearing a troubling statement from many different corners of my clientele, “Can you...

Bordman Road Reconstruction - City of Memphis, Michigan
The City of Memphis is a small quiet community located on the southerly bank of the Belle River. It is on the border of Macomb County and...

The Legacy Project
Cindy Whisman and the students of St. Clair High School are raising funds for a project they have named, “The Legacy Project”. The...

Misclosures in Legal Descriptions
When you purchase a piece of property there is one document that is of great importance, the Deed. There is a lot of important...

“Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) – Zone A/AE”
The mortgage company is requiring Flood Insurance on your property, and because you did not believe it necessary, you hired a...

"Base Flood Elevation - Zone A" Step 2: Review and Apply MDEQ Estimate
In this installment of the BMJ blog we will continue to discuss the determination of the base flood elevation (BFE) for Zone A...

“Base Flood Elevation – Zone A” Step 1: Gather Data
The case in point is to determine the base flood elevation (BFE) for a particular structure in an effort to make sure that the...

Are You Really Ready to Site Develop? – Part 2
You have selected the project delivery model, the project team, and now you are ready to begin. Projects are generally arranged into...

Are You Really Ready to Site Develop? – Part 1
So, you have a vacant parcel and are determined to proceed full speed ahead building your version of “Paradise”. Whoa!…. Time to pull...