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Community Planning


“BMJ is a respected firm with integrity who is actively engaged in the community”!
-Mark Brochu, St. Clair County Parks and Recreation Commission


Maintaining the balance between growth and preservation of the community atmosphere can be a challenge. Communities continuously face decisions in order to promote sustainable growth.

BMJ Engineers & Surveyors (BMJ) experienced planners are innovative and provide effective solutions within established budgets. We partner with communities to help meet their goals.

Master Plans
BMJ facilitates the creation or revision of a long range plan that balances and harmonizes the elements of transportation, community facilities, housing, parks and open space, industry, agriculture, commerce land use, and economic development. From Master Plan creation to implementation, BMJ provides a structured approach, which creates a clear framework for planning and development.

Zoning and Ordinance Development
Zoning Maps and Ordinances provide guidance and policies for thoughtful development and use of land in a community. These tools protect public and private investments by
establishing zoning districts for residential, commercial, agricultural, or industrial uses; lot sizes, setbacks, building heights, site placement, and public safety features. BMJ’s
qualified planners work with the community to develop ordinances and guidelines that promote development, community growth, and investment.

Site Plan Reviews
Proper reviews, public processes, and compliance with applicable policies and ordinances are essential for new development. BMJ offers timely and flexible services through
careful site plan review procedures and application of the community’s land-use and zoning policies.


Whatever Planning and Development needs your community
seeks, BMJ Engineers & Surveyors, Inc. has the experience, personnel, and resources to ensure a successful outcome.

Our Services

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