Civil Engineering
Civil engineering is one of the oldest engineering disciplines in history, originally relied upon for basic needs such as providing shelter and transportation. In modern times, those fundamental necessities – shelter and transportation – are still at the basis of civil engineering through the designing and building of a structure, a street, or even a sidewalk or recreational path.
Yet, today civil engineering has additional complexities. Civil engineers need to design and build their structures and roads with consideration and conservation of the environment and our natural resources. At BMJ Engineers & Surveyors, Inc., we take pride in working to improve our community’s basic needs while being environmentally responsible. It’s why our many clients — county drain commissioners, park authorities, land developers, planners, architects, cities, townships, and state agencies choose to work with us.
Civil engineering is a large part of what we do. We have a well-rounded staff of design engineers and technicians with expertise in areas including drain engineering, municipal consulting, site development, construction engineering, and the design of parks and pathways.
Our engineers are equipped with and have received advanced training in Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D, WaterCAD for water system modeling, SewerCAD for sanitary sewer system modeling, as well as other resources for storm water hydrology and hydraulics.
The engineering group at BMJ is structured to operate within a system of quality assurance that includes regularly scheduled meetings to discuss project progress, engineering and computer procedures, and coordination. Each design is subject to a series of quality control measures to assure that it will perform the intended function, meet our client’s standards, satisfy requirements of reviewing agencies, and provide clear, correct, and concise information to contractors.
BMJ’s civil engineering team provides our clients with the right solutions in a timely manner and within budget. The result is an end product that meets the intended need and is responsive to the environment.
Our Services
Structural Engineering
Preparation of Grant Applications
Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control
Pavement Design and Street Improvements
Parking Lot Design
Right-of Way/Easement Acquisition
Watershed Analysis
Storm Water Management
Water System Design and Analysis
Sanitary and Storm Sewer Design and Analysis
Utility Line Tracing
Parks &