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Site Development

Whether the project requires the development of a new piece of land or the redevelopment of an existing property, BMJ Engineers & Surveyors, Inc.’s team offers exceptional site development services.


The site development process involves assembling information regarding the property and adjacent parcels, performing due diligence, preparing conceptual designs, and evaluating preliminary costs prior to proceeding with final design. Locating structures and the ability to connect to existing municipal services such as water, sanitary sewer, gas, and electric are typically high in priority. The placement of storm sewer and storm water detention, driveway access and internal drives, parking, sight lighting, signs, landscaping and irrigation, as well as adhering to other multiple local zoning code requirements, are all paramount in a successful design.


A collaborative effort with our clients, regulatory agencies, and other professionals during the design phase allows BMJ’s team to arrive at the most efficient and cost effective solutions to meet each client’s needs and goals.

Our Services

  • Storm Sewers

  • Sanitary Sewers

  • Water Mains

  • Parking Facilities

  • Roadways

  • Driveways

  • Site Lighting

  • Wetland Mitigation

  • Sidewalks

  • Storm Water Detention Facilities

  • Site Grading

  • Feasibility Studies

  • Permitting

  • Site Planning Design

  • Site Lay-Out

  • Utility Design

  • Structural Design & Analysis

  • Site Grading

  • Pavement Design

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